
Adrian Coen Design is a material based design & make practice working from Ballymount Dublin. Open both to public/private commission and collaboration, creating and innovating high quality furniture and architectural joinery. A graduate of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Adrian has also worked as an assistant lecturer at the HDK Steneby campus.

If furniture is an object that we live with closely, experience everyday, enjoy to use for the long term, then it doesn’t need to stand out or seek attention but simply do its job well, like a constant trustworthy companion. The Japanese aesthetic principle of ‘beauty in use’ is something I aspire towards. I work predominantly in wood and I‘m always looking for where and how it’s material qualities are fit for purpose and can offer an elegant solution - how it can respond to human needs, both practical and emotional. More important than the form of an object is how it performs, behaves over time, ‘gives back’ to its owner, how it can fulfil itself. The relationship between object and owner can be a durable one, built to last on the principles of beauty and simplicity, and imbued with what Alvar Aalto called ‘a life enhancing charm’.

Unit 1, Block V, Ballymount Industrial Estate,

Dublin 12